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Started by Amit Narayan and Oliver Smith, Relentless Collective aims to provide you with quality strength, conditioning and submission grappling coaching, content and resources.   

Amit Narayan has been a strength and conditioning coach since 2013. In that time he has specialised in creating training protocols and principles for combat sports athletes with a focus on grappling sports. In his years of coaching, Amit has worked with professional athletes and world champions, like renowned silver medalist and multi-time BJJ Champion Craig Jones, to amateur, hobbyist and general population individuals. . Amit has recently spent his time applying the principles he learnt training athletes to training non-athletes and general population clientele, namely helping individuals learn the best ways to begin their training journey, stay engaged with their training, and achieve their goals.  

Oliver Smith is a submission grappling coach and competitor, and has been training since 2012. He is a passionate coach who began as an assistant teacher in early 2016 and is now the Head Grappling and Brazilian Jiu Jitsu (BJJ) Coach at Absolute Mixed Martial Arts (AMMA) Collingwood. He is a BJJ black belt under ADCC silver medalist and acclaimed BJJ coach Lachlan Giles at AMMA St Kilda. He is an active and accomplished competitor having won titles including advanced divisions at Grappling Industries, as well as various state and national titles. In his role as Head Grappling Coach at AMMA, he plays an active role in training and preparing MMA fighters for their bouts, having worked with both amateur and professional MMA fighters of multiple levels from the local scene to the UFC.


Relentless Collective aims to give you the information and guidance you need to help you become a better human.


Strength & Conditioning
Online Coaching
Personal Training & Group Sessions 

Submission Grappling
Self Defence
Personal & Group Training Sessions
Video Analysis

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Training Journals

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